Creating a welcoming space that ecourages creativity is vital to successful facilitation.
Strategic Planning? What is it? It’s imagining your dream. Then it’s defining it. Looking at it from all angles to see what might get in the way and then making a plan to overcome obstacles and move towards your vision. It should inspire you…maybe scare you a bit…and provide you with a path to get you to your vision. It’s not a business plan, but it is a step before a business plan.
I am writing a book...a workbook really. Through my experience teaching and facilitating, I love helping other realize what is possible! My book project is called An Audacious Plan: Strategic Planning for Artists, Creatives, Solo Practitioners and Visual Planners. It is meant to help develop a plan or next steps. It’s not a business plan, but could be the process and steps before a business plan. I’m doing a trial run of the book through a workshop. I’d love to have you join me! Find all of the details at
My new term...urban fable. It’s those stories we tell that contain examples of lessons learned. They are based loosely on fact, a case study or research paper that has been told so many times and shortened to a brief tale, modified slightly by each storyteller with creative descriptions to maximize impact. In the end, the lesson is clearer, the story is memorable, and the original facts are a little more blurred. But I think it’s ok, because the intent of providing a clear example and teaching a lesson has been accomplished, as long as it’s understood that in the telling of the story, the detailed facts have been lost along the way.
As some of you know, I am writing a book. Specifically, a workbook designed to help artists, creatives, visual learners, and solo practitioners create their own strategic plans. I’m titling it An Audacious Plan. Writing is tough, but fun and exciting! I’m hoping to get my draft far enough along to run some trial run workshops late fall or early winter. The workbook combines my business experience and my facilitation skills to provide the reader with visuals and fun exercises to create achievable goals! I think success is defined by each of us and I try to provide tools to help each reader to define their unique success story! Thanks for reading! I am so excited! I received my new business cards from this week! They did a great job and were wonderful to work with! Yay!!
learn more about how top facilitation can improve your meetings...I simply love this TEDTalk and the concept of "humble audacity"...
Leading Change with Humble Audacity: Nancy Giordano at TEDxAustin ( Audacious
The definition for audacious from Webster’s online dictionary: Au`da´cious 1. Daring; spirited; adventurous. 2. Contemning the restraints of law, religion, or decorum; bold in wickedness; presumptuous; impudent; insolent. 3. Committed with, or proceedings from, daring effrontery or contempt of law, morality, or decorum. Related Words: adventuresome, adventurous, brash, brassy, brave, brazen, bumptious, careless, challenging, cheeky, cocky, cold, confident, contemptuous, contumelious, cool, courageous, daredevil, dauntless, death-defying, defiant, defying, derisive, devil-may-care, disdainful, disregardful, disrespectful, doughty, easy, emancipated, enterprising, familiar, fearless, fire-eating, forward, free, greatly daring, harebrained, heedless, hubristic, impertinent, impudent, independent, insolent, insulting, intrepid, madbrain, madbrained, madcap, mettlesome, obtrusive, overbold, overpresumptuous, overweening, pert, presuming, presumptuous, procacious, pushy, rash, reckless, regardless of consequences, relaxed, rude, saucy, self-absorbed, self-centered, selfish, shameless, temerarious, thoughtless, unabashed, unafraid, uncurbed, undaunted, ungoverned, unhampered, uninhibited, unrestrained, untrammeled, uppish, uppity, valiant, valorous, venturesome, venturous, wild, wild-ass You might ask, audacious? Why is audacity or being audacious a good characteristic? I originally wondered that myself. Audacity, or audacious acts, can elicit change for the good in both others and in organizations. Someone needs to point out an issue or a problem, which is often a daring act. Once the issue or problem is brought to everyone’s attention, then it can be addressed. I think often everyone is aware at some level of a problem or issue, but it becomes a part of the organizations culture to work around some issues. Occasionally, someone will step “outside the box” and find a new way to do something or an idea to quit doing something…but to suggest the change is often a bold move going against an organization’s culture. In Dear Maxine, Letters from the Unfinished Conversation with Maxine Greene, Nina Asher writes of Maxine Greene’s speeches “…reminding me throughout how important it is to feel and think and act upon the courage of one’s convictions, to keep alive, engage, assert and share the audacity of eros, one’s life force, of the will to reclaim and heal self and society.” Steve Farber, president of Extreme Leadership, Inc. states “Audacity is best defined as a bold and blatant disregard for normal constraints. Noting that the business world always talks about thinking outside the box. A truly audacious leader asks, What box?” Punya Mishra, director of the master’s degree program in educational technology at Michigan State University stated “there is always tension between what we hold dear and what we must change…finding the right balance between these ideals is the essence of audacious leadership.” (eSchool News, March 18, 2013). As a facilitator, I get the opportunity to help organizations and individuals plan and change. It is exciting to embrace change in a way that is planned, encouraged and sustainable. |
AuthorLisa C. Meredith Archives
February 2022
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